208 Pelituotanto / Semifinaali
Keskiviikko 3.2.2021
Semifinaalit toteutetaan kilpailijoiden omissa oppilaitoksissa.
Kilpailutehtävän rakenne ja tehtävämoduulien keskeiset sisällöt
Joukkue suunnittelee ja toteuttaa kilpailun aikana digitaalisen pelin konseptisuunnitelman ja pelattavan prototyypin tehtävänannon lähtökohdista. Kilpailijoiden on otettava työskentelyssään huomioon tuotannolle asetetut sisällölliset tavoitteet ja tekniset vaatimukset, kohderyhmän erityispiirteet ja käyttäjäkokemus. Pelituotanto on monialainen laji joka vaatii kilpailujoukkueelta osaamista mm. pelisuunnittelussa, ohjelmoinnissa, peligrafiikan tekemisessä.
Kilpailu on parikilpailu.
Design a platform type educational game concept for 7 to 10 year old children. Try to include educational elements in your game concept and make the design visually suitable for the target group. Bring something new to the genre and feel free to experiment with visual styles and game play.
Create materials for your game concept presentation and save all the files to the designated folder.
Your presentation materials should include original concept art and playable prototype that demonstrates the key game mechanics. Build a PowerPoint or a Keynote presentation that is understandable without the verbal presentation. Presentation should include at least game concept, key features, unique selling point and target audience.
- Your playable prototype should be a windows standalone build.
- If you use Unity standard assets, you have to mention these in your documention. Some of the graphics must be self-made.
- Internet access is restricted and cellphones are banned during the competition.
- Using Unity (game engine) documentation and unity standard assets are allowed.
Lajin aikataulu
Klo 8.30 – 17.30
Kilpailutehtävään on käytettävissä kahdeksan tuntia sisältäen tehtävänannon.
Kilpailijoille järjestetään lounastauko.
8.30 ilmoittautuminen
8.45 aamukahvit ja yleinen ohjeistus kilpailijoille
9.00 – 11.30 kilpailuaika
11.30 – 12.00 lounas
11.30 – 17.30 kilpailuaika
Materiaalit ja laitteet
Windows/Mac -ympäristö, piirtonäytöt/piirtopöydät, Unity,Unreal engine, Adobe creative cloud (Photoshop, Premiere, Animate, After effects, Illustrator, Fuse), Blender, 3Ds MAX 2019, MAYA, Visual Studio, Makehuman, Zbrush, DoTween, Substance Painter, Tiled mapeditor, Piskel, Microsoft office.
Käytännön ohjeet
Kilpailija voi tuoda mukanaan tyhjät muistiinpanovälineet (kynä, kumi, vihko).
Tehtävän moduulit ja arviointikriteerit
Moduuli 1/Esituotanto
Käytettävä aika: | 1 h |
Pisteet: | 25 p |
- Projektin- ja tiedostonhallinta, Work organization and management 10 p
- Konseptointi, Concept Art 15 p
Work organization and management | 10 | |
Setting up and maintaining organised file management and folder structures. | ||
– File structure is existing | objective | 1 |
– Clarity of the file structure | subjective | 1 |
Use of terminology. | ||
– Use of terminology helps to define and sell the concept | subjective | 1 |
Saving back up files. | ||
– Back up files exist | objective | 1 |
– Adequacy of the back up strategy | subjective | 1 |
Time management. | ||
– Some kind of task list exists | objective | 1 |
– Adequacy of the time management strategy | subjective | 1 |
Entrepreneurial way of working. | subjective | 1 |
Ergonomy and safe working practices. | subjective | 1 |
Implementation of sustainable development. | subjective | 1 |
Concept Art | 15 | |
Concept art is suitable for the game consept and the target group. | subjective | 3 |
Concept art is informative and portrays a good silhouette of objects and characters. | subjective | 3 |
Shape, mood, mass, and movement has been well expressed. | subjective | 3 |
Values of grayscale have been used to draw attention to important aspects of the asset. | subjective | 3 |
Basic understanding of colour theory can be seen in the coloring work. | subjective | 3 |
Moduuli 2/Tuotanto
Käytettävä aika: | 6 h |
Pisteet: | 65 p |
- Prototyypin rakentaminen, The build of the prototype 9 p
- Prototyypin pelattavuus, Playability of the prototype 9 p
- Pelin käytettävyys, Game usability 6 p
- Työnjäljen laatu, Professional quality of the code and assets 11 p
- Pelisuunnittelu, Game design 30 p
The build of the prototype | 35 | ||
– The prototype build is playable and runs on pc. | objective | 6 | |
– Essential features of the game design have been implemented in the prototype. | subjective | 3 | |
Playability of the prototype | |||
– Goals of the game are clear and present in the prototype. | subjective | 3 | |
– Challenge, strategy and pace are in balance. | subjective | 3 | |
– Game items should be discrete and visually distinctive | subjective | 3 | |
Game usability | |||
– The game gives feedback on the players actions. | subjective | 1 | |
– Screen layout is efficient and visually pleasing and camera works fluently | subjective | 2 | |
– Game controls work and make the game feel immersive. | subjective | 3 | |
Professional quality of the code and assets | |||
– Proper use of comments in source code. | subjective | 1 | |
Proper and consistent naming of scripts, methods and variables | subjective | 1 | |
– Source code is well organized. | subjective | 1 | |
– File sizes and texture sizes are reasonable. | subjective | 1 | |
The game engine console window does not show any errors. | objective | 2 | |
The complexity and efficiency of the code. | subjective | 5 | |
Game design | 30 | ||
How well the platform and Genre matches the task assignment | subjective | max 3.0 | |
Feature list done | objective | 0.5 | |
Quality of feature list | subjective | max 3.0 | |
Pitch written | objective | 0.5 | |
Clarity of the pitch | subjective | max 3.0 | |
Mechanics explained | objective | 0.5 | |
Design of mechanics | subjective | max 3.0 | |
Goal and Objective explained | objective | 0.5 | |
Appeal and immersiveness of the objective | subjective | max 3.0 | |
Challenge explained | objective | 0.5 | |
Suitability of the challenge | subjective | max 3.0 | |
Storyline Synopsis exists | objective | 0.5 | |
Compelling Story | subjective | max 3.0 | |
Visual Style explained | objective | 0.5 | |
Suitability of the visual style | subjective | max 3.0 | |
1st level mockup described | objective | 0.5 | |
Look and functions of the mockup support the game design | subjective | max 2.0 |
Moduuli 3/Esittely
Käytettävä aika: | 1 h |
Pisteet: | 10 p |
- Esittelymateriaali, Pitch Deck 10 p
Pitch deck | 10 | |
Clarity of the pitch deck materials (Folder structure, file naming, file formats) | subjective | 5 |
PowerPoint -presentation (or keynote) + game build | subjective | 5 |