Taitaja2021 Finland Virtual event was a great success

Despite the restrictions caused by corona-pandemic, we were able to organise national championships in professional skills for more than 330 competitors in 43 different skill categories. The skill categories where divided in different locations, and highlights of every skill category was filmed and streamed to Taitaja2021-platform, which was open for public to follow.
To complement the experience for audience, the main Studio was streaming the highlights from the competition with professional guidance and expert interviews. Parts of the Studio was hosted in English. In addition to competitions, we offered national and international webinar, gathering interesting speakers and latest developments on VET.
The international Let Your Skills Shine – webinar was followed from all over the world. Pre-registrations where made from over 58 different countries. The webinar was interactive, and it was very pleasant to follow the chat, where people sent greetings from all over the world.
You can still watch the webinar recording from: Liveto Events, it will be open until 3rd of June. The easiest way to join, is Guest signing. You only need to insert username and sign in as a guest.
The program of the webinar can be found from: Let Your Skills Shine – Webinar – Taitaja2021
Main image of the article: trio of winners in skill category Restaurant Service. Photo: Olli Luoma-aho (Feeniks Visual Oy) / Skills Finland.
Further information
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