206 Web Design

The competition tasks are based on the Vocational qualification in information and communications technology. The qualification title of the basic qualification is datanomi.

The professional who have completed the qualification may work according to the competence area for example in tasks of IT field in different companies or in the public sector.

#taitaja2021 #webdesign




Description of the skill category

Web design is a diverse category where both artistic creativity and ability to produce user friendly and technically functional web sites is demanded from the competitors. The competitor must be familiar with all the different phases of the web design process.

The competition is individual.

Skill requirements

The competitor must be able to create an accurate customer profile and to have a clear vision of the information content and services, of the target group and of the main operating idea.

The competitor must know how to produce a wireframe of the site and a layout plan for the user interface of the basic and/or front page. The competitor must define the technologies used in the creation of the web site, such as programming languages, software etc.

The competitor designs the web site by using different technologies and software and tests the site with different browsers, terminals and by using a W3C Validator. The competitor publishes the web site on a server and presents it to the customer. The competitor must master server and database related matters.

The competitor produces a documentation required in the maintenance of the web site and instructs the customer in the implementation and use of the web site. The competitor should have interaction skills required in team work and show entrepreneurial thinking in the competition situation in his/her own way. The competitor should also take into account the ergonomic matters related to his/her own wellbeing at work.

In addition to previously mentioned requirements a successful competitor is also able to:

  • consider the information safety and the most general standards in his/her work
  • plan visually attractive web sites utilizing style sheets
  • consider the current trends of the field
  • consider the accessibility and usability of the web sites
  • implement web pages that are updated via server
  • produce media files needed in the service
  • manage projects and team work
  • solve problems which appear
  • integrate his/her web site with social media software
  • make use of version management

Main event partners

  • Lapin koulutuskeskus Redun logo. Linkki Redun verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Lappian logo. Linkki Lappian verkkosivuille.
  • Koulutuskeskus Jedun logo. Linkki Jedun verkkosivuille.
  • Oulun Palvelualan Opiston logo. Linkki OPAO:n verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Luovin logo. Linkki Luovin verkkosivuille.
  • Suomen Diakoniaopiston logo. Linkki Suomen Diakoniaopiston verkkosivuille.
  • Skills Finlandin logo, linkki Skills Finlandin verkkosivuille.