606 Discrete Automation (Mechatronics)

Vocational qualification in mechanical engineering and production technology, Vocational qualification in electrical engineering and automation technology, automation assembler.

#taitaja2021 #discreteautomation




Description of the skill category

Discrete automation includes mechanical devices, e.g. hydraulics and pneumatics as well as electrical technology/electronics. The professions of the field require competence in mechanical engineering and production technology as well as competence in electrical engineering and automation technology

Automation assemblers usually work in manufacturing, process or property automation jobs as well as in automation applications of the new generation, among other IoT (Internet of Things). Their work includes installation, control, maintenance and commissioning tasks. They have to be familiar with the products of several different manufacturers of equipment, components and control systems and know how to install, connect, use and program them. These include e.g. programmable logics, settable and parametrizable sensors, machine vision sensors, touch-sensitive screens, industry robots, frequency transformers, pneumatic components, devices related to machine safety as well as different installation equipment.

The competition is a pair competition.

Skill requirements

The competition tasks are based on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in study programs of automation technology and maintenance of the Vocational qualification in electrical engineering and automation technology and the Vocational qualification in mechanical engineering and production technology as well as the requirements of working life for a young worker.

Competence areas according to the qualification and curriculum in electrical engineering and automation technology are:

  • Basic skills in electrical and automation technology (45 cp)
  • Electrical and automation installations (30 cp)
  • Discrete automation (30 cp)
  • Automation and information systems in properties (30 cp)

and according to the qualification and curriculum in mechanical engineering and production technology:

  • Basic installation and automation tasks (15 cp)
  • Electromechanical assembly (30 cp)
  • Automation installation (30 cp)
  • Operating a robot (15 cp)
  • Installation of machine automation systems 15 cp.

Main event partners

  • Lapin koulutuskeskus Redun logo. Linkki Redun verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Lappian logo. Linkki Lappian verkkosivuille.
  • Koulutuskeskus Jedun logo. Linkki Jedun verkkosivuille.
  • Oulun Palvelualan Opiston logo. Linkki OPAO:n verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Luovin logo. Linkki Luovin verkkosivuille.
  • Suomen Diakoniaopiston logo. Linkki Suomen Diakoniaopiston verkkosivuille.
  • Skills Finlandin logo, linkki Skills Finlandin verkkosivuille.