504 Restaurant Service

The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in restaurant and catering services. The qualification title of the basic qualification is tarjoilija (waiter/waitress).

The professional who have completed this qualification works for example in hotels, at restaurants, staff canteens, pubs, night clubs, catering companies, cafés, transport station, fast food, catering and tourism service companies as well as institutional kitchens.

#taitaja2021 #restaurantservice




Description of the skill category

In the competition, a waiter/waitress carries out customer service tasks at restaurants with different business ideas. S/he is able to tidy customer facilities, present, sell and serve products and services to customers using different serving methods. S/he is able to take individual customers and customer groups into account and works together with the kitchen staff and other waiters/waitresses.

A waiter/waitress is able to serve Finnish and foreign customers and work responsibly and actively, taking different customers’ need into account. S/he complies with regulations and instructions on serving alcoholic beverages and hygiene requirements as well as operates with sustainable operating practices.

Competition is individual.

Three competitors from the same training centre of an education institution can enrol in semifinals of this skill category. 

Skill requirements

The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the Vocational qualification in restaurant and catering services, competence area of customer service (waiter/waitress). The tasks are planned in close and precious cooperation with working life and the tasks are based on the requirements of working life.

Skill requirements according to the competence area of customer service (waiter/waitress) in the Vocational qualification in restaurant and catering services:

  • customer service and sales
  • serving plated dishes and beverages
  • serving á la carte dishes
  • selling and serving beverages
  • serving for catering services and special occasions
  • café services

A successful competitor manages:

  • a good and friendly service
  • selling in an active customer-oriented way
  • operating in accordance with service etiquette
  • putting the restaurant hall in order (laying the table, different methods of laying tablecloths and making napkin foldings)
  • basic serving skills (using a tray flexibly, carrying the plates)
  • serving methods of different dishes
  • recording sales
  • product information about beverages and serving beverages
  • combinations of dishes and beverages, beverage recommendations
  • preparing and serving the most common cocktails and specialty coffees
  • complying with hygiene requirements and having clean and tidy working environment
  • carrying out meeting serving
  • finishing the dishes in hall (flambéing, cutting up, portioning)
  • planning and scheduling the own work
  • carrying out service process flexibly and briskly, acting indicated by the requirements of different changing situations
  • social skills and communication with different customers
  • working together with others
  • problem-solving skills
  • basic language skills in second native language and English
  • personal appearance, posture, moving, work ergonomics
  • considering entrepreneurship, sustainable development, work wellbeing and work safety.
  • using social media channels

Partners of the skill

Main event partners

  • Lapin koulutuskeskus Redun logo. Linkki Redun verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Lappian logo. Linkki Lappian verkkosivuille.
  • Koulutuskeskus Jedun logo. Linkki Jedun verkkosivuille.
  • Oulun Palvelualan Opiston logo. Linkki OPAO:n verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Luovin logo. Linkki Luovin verkkosivuille.
  • Suomen Diakoniaopiston logo. Linkki Suomen Diakoniaopiston verkkosivuille.
  • Skills Finlandin logo, linkki Skills Finlandin verkkosivuille.