312 Tourism Industry

The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in tourism industry. The qualification titles of the basic qualification are vastaanottovirkailija (receptionist), matkailupalvelujen tuottaja (tourism activities organiser) and matka-asiantuntija (travel adviser).

The professionals of this skill category can work indicated by the competence area for example in accommodation, catering, customer service, sales and advisory tasks of tourism services as well as organisation tasks of tourism activities in different kinds of enterprises in tourism sector.

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Description of the skill category

The person who has completed the vocational qualification in tourism industry works with a socially responsible approach, in a sales-minded, marketing-minded and customer-orientated manner in every phase of a tourist service chain.

S/he has a good behaviour, good interpersonal, interaction and language skills, and knowledge of cultures. The holder of qualification in tourism industry operates in compliance with sustainable operating practices, acts reliably and follows the legislation and safety directives, concerning tourism sector. S/he works as an expert of tourism sector in different tasks of planning and implementing in the sector.

The holder of vocational qualification in tourism industry is able to plan his/her working and work independently as well as in a working group. S/he is able to act creatively, flexibly, in a responsible and initiative-taking way in the work and has good problem-solving skills and a good sense of situation. S/he has understanding of international and national tourism service trade and s/he follows the possibilities in tourism sector and development of the sector. S/he also develops his/her own work and working with different actors.

The holder of vocational qualification in tourism industry implements, productises and guides different kinds of experientially rich tourism products and services. S/he markets and sells the tourism products and services according to customer segments, acts in a cost-effective way in compliance with the business idea of the working place and operational environment, local culture and tourism trends.

The assessment criteria for the competition tasks correlate with the skill level ”Excellent” of the vocational qualification in tourism industry. The tasks are drawn up in cooperation with working life. In task planning, studies in the competition area of a travel adviser, receptionist and tourism activities organiser have been considered.

The competition is a pair competition.

Skill requirements

The competitor is wearing suitably for situation, according to rules of the enterprise. S/he manages customer service and sales situations and investigates the customer’s needs, plans and carries out different kinds of tourism services. The competitor presents services, which meet the customer needs, and serves customers in a customer-oriented manner, considering cultural backgrounds, and excellently fulfills the service promise of the tourism enterprise. The competitor gathers feedback from customers and knows how to develop his/her own working on the basis of feedback.

The competitor is able to serve customers in both native languages and one foreign language (English). The competitor works economically, in a quality conscious manner, well-organised and in an entrepreneurial and initiative-taking way. The competitor has performed the competition tasks with right devices and equipment. Moreover, the competitor takes care of his/her working and functional ability actively and on own initiative.  The competition tasks will be recognised as a part of studies and vocational skills demonstrations as widely as possible. The competitor can give a demonstration on his/her vocational skills during the semifinals or finals.

Main event partners

  • Lapin koulutuskeskus Redun logo. Linkki Redun verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Lappian logo. Linkki Lappian verkkosivuille.
  • Koulutuskeskus Jedun logo. Linkki Jedun verkkosivuille.
  • Oulun Palvelualan Opiston logo. Linkki OPAO:n verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Luovin logo. Linkki Luovin verkkosivuille.
  • Suomen Diakoniaopiston logo. Linkki Suomen Diakoniaopiston verkkosivuille.
  • Skills Finlandin logo, linkki Skills Finlandin verkkosivuille.