304 Floristry

Tasks of this skill category are based on Vocational qualification in Horticulture. The profession name of the vocational qualification is puutarhuri (gardener).

The working place can be, according to the competence area, for example as a seller in a flower and garden shop, as a farmer in garden production or in maintaining tasks of landscape gardening or green areas.

#taitaja2021 #floristry




Description of the skill category

The competition tasks in floristry are based on the vocational qualification in horticulture, the competence area of Floristry and horticultural business. The tasks are based on the objectives of the modules Serving customers and Shop work in floristry and Making flower arrangements. The competence requirements correlate with the skill level “Excellent” of vocational qualification in floristry.

The competition is individual.

Skill requirements

A successful competitor must know how to select flower arrangement materials according to composition and colour principles and the customer’s wishes. The competitor must be able to maintain and treat the material appropriately and display materials and arrangements in a way that promotes sales. The competitor must be able to make flower designs to be sold in a flower shop independently and quickly and promote working methods that are in line with sustainable development and maintain well-being at work.

The competitor must know how to price, present and sell products. The competitor must be able to produce information materials as needed in customer service, both by hand and by using information technology, to maintain and pack flower designs, and keep the workstation clean. The competitor must understand the significance of team work and social interaction and act in a customer-oriented way.

Partners of the skill

Main event partners

  • Lapin koulutuskeskus Redun logo. Linkki Redun verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Lappian logo. Linkki Lappian verkkosivuille.
  • Koulutuskeskus Jedun logo. Linkki Jedun verkkosivuille.
  • Oulun Palvelualan Opiston logo. Linkki OPAO:n verkkosivuille.
  • Ammattiopisto Luovin logo. Linkki Luovin verkkosivuille.
  • Suomen Diakoniaopiston logo. Linkki Suomen Diakoniaopiston verkkosivuille.
  • Skills Finlandin logo, linkki Skills Finlandin verkkosivuille.